Click on the Book Here button at the bottom of the page and you will be taken to our booking system hosted by Skedda. Simply choose your desired date and time and complete the requested information. All major credit and debit cards are accepted. On completing the booking, you will receive a confirmation email containing all the details that you need.
Yes. This website never has contact with any user details. Skedda (our booking system) uses the worldwide leading online payment system Stripe as the payment gateway. All payments are processed directly with Stripe and no sensitive payment details ever make contact with Skedda-owned systems. Details about the security in place at Stripe can be found here:
Don't worry, your event details are safe. If you are logged into the booking system then only you (and the Hall Manager) are able to see the details of your event. If you are not logged into the system then no details are visible for any events, other than the date and time.
No. Once you have confirmed your booking and made a payment, the price is fixed and will not be increased. We reserve the right to increase our prices for new bookings at any time, but will endeavour to give advance notice of any changes.
No. Please ensure that your booking includes enough time for setting up and clearing down. The event duration can be set to the nearest 15 minutes.
On making a successful booking, you will be sent an email containing the details of how to gain entry to the hall.
We do not provide this service. Please ensure that you have left the hall in a clean and tidy state, and that you have taken all rubbish home with you.
The hall is an excellent venue for parties for younger children (and older adults!). Please note that we do not allow teenage parties. A minimum of two adults aged at least 21 must be present at all times.
You may serve alcohol to adults aged 18 and over if it is completely free of charge. However, if there is any form of charge (including, for example, a ticket price which includes a glass of wine) then you must apply for a Temporary Event Notice from East Herts council. The details are here: See also Clause 8 and 14 in our Terms and Conditions:
Please send an email to the Hall Manager who will cancel the event and arrange for any refund owing to be repaid to your credit or debit card. Please ensure that you have read the cancellation policy in our Terms and Conditions.
Firstly, please try to make an additional booking using the Skedda booking system. However, you will not be able to do this if the duration that you wish to extend by is less than the minimum booking period (see the Availability section on the Pricing page). In this case, please send an email to the Hall Manger who may be able to assist.
We would be delighted to discuss your requirements for a repeat booking and may be able to offer a discount. Please contact our Hall Manager for more details.